Top 5 Applications of Calcium Propionate
Calcium propionate is an organic salt with the chemical formula of Ca(OOCCH 2 CH 3 ) 2 . The substance is formed by the reaction of calcium hydroxide with propionic acid (also known as propanoic acid). The compound occurs in two forms: powder and crystalline. It’s slight solubility in alcohol and high solubility in water makes it suitable in a plethora of applications: 1. Food Additive Studies indicate that calcium propionate is one of the safest food additives used by the food industry. The chemical is most commonly used in baking products. In addition to baking, the salt is also used in as a preservative in chocolate products, processed cheeses, tobacco products, and fruit preserves. It should not be used with some types of cheeses as they naturally contain propionic acid. 2. Animal feed To prevent the growth of mould and other microorganisms in them, calcium propionate is added to tobacco and ani...